Lior’s Gift

Right Worshipful Brother Lior Schnitzer came to King George Lodge in about 2011.  He was in Calgary on business from his company in Israel and was looking for a lodge to visit.  Rather than a place to visit, he found a home.

Lior spent a great deal of time with the members of King George Lodge.  When he returned to Israel he continued to keep in touch and always visited when he was in Calgary.  He always exclaimed how he found the friendship and brotherhood at King George extraordinary.

Lior brought many gifts to King George.  Because of him we are one of only three lodges in the world with ashlars cut from the rock of King Solomon’s Quarry.  He was a benefactor of a local charity run by one of our members.  He always had some wisdom to impart whenever he was in the lodge.

Understandably, King George was devastated when news came from Israel of Lior’s passing to the Grand Lodge Above.  A memorial service was held in the lodge and all of the members remembered him fondly.

It was obviously with some surprise, then, when Worshipful Brother Blasken received a package in the mail from Lior’s family.  It seems our brother was reaching out to us one last time, but this time from the grave.

In the package were tie clasps; enough for every member of the lodge.  We wear them as a lasting reminder of our friend and brother, Lior.